Sunday 16 February 2014

The German Language Challenge - Week 5 - 100 Woerter Bewertung

Dear Friends and Readers,
I almost missed my weekly blog entry. I guess it is a sign of my wavering motivation... It is almost 10pm here in Germany and I am trying to fullfill my promise and enter a short text, otherwise I will be feeling even worse. ;-)

Last weekend I had the opportunity to visit the graduate show at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. I love the building, the easy, cool atmosphere but where were the colours???
Here is my photo selection and my short German review...

100 Woerter Bewertung
Die Akademie der bildenden Kuenste Muenchen
Letztes Wochenende habe ich die Austellung der Diplomanden in der Akademie gesehen. Weil ich dort bald studieren werde, habe ich die seltene Moeglichkeit begruesst. Es ist immer eine interessante Erfahrung die kunstlerischen Arbeiten zu sehen, mit welchen die Diplomanden das Studium an der Akademie abschliessen. Es war eine ungewoehnliche Austellung, die keine uebliche Sauberkeit von den erfahrenen Kuratonen getragen hat. Die Themen waren unterschiedlich, es gab keine Wandtexte und die Kuenstler selber haben Nudeln im Flur gegessen und  kein Interesse in den Besuchern gezeigt. Ich mochte die entspannte Atmosphaere, aber die Kunst war schwer zu beurteilen. Man muss sich die Bilder selbst anschauen zu raten, wer der naechste erfolgreiche Kunst-Stern sein wird...

My top 3:
Ben Goossens - the video still cannot possibly do justice to the visually spectacular chemical processes apparently filmed under water.

Gabi Blum - it looks like Hopper but it is in fact an installation, not a painting... Quite amazing, check out the second photo, it is part of the complicated structure "behind the scene". The artist herself could just walk in and be part of the picture - or not - like in our case, sadly...

Kerol Montagna - Fantastic paper objects resembling plants. Visitors had the opportunity to exchange pieces of artwork for their belongings. Great concept, unfortunately there was nothing left in the greenhouse by the time we visited...

Few more observations and glimpses out/of the fantastic building...
I appologize for the lack of names, it was sometimes quite difficult to work out whose work was whose...

You can view more pictures on this blog:

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